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Yiddish Songs for Uncle Favi|01


Album of Yiddish Songs for Uncle Fabi|01

This project has sent me on a journey through Yiddish NYC to learn one of the deepest languages of my people. Yiddish is my father's native tongue, the native language of all my relatives in Brooklyn and a language I'm so proud to be keeping alive!  My biggest inspirations for this project are Chava Alberstein, the Barry Sisters, Molly Picon and all Yiddish theater songsters who paved the way for me.

Talmud Songs |02


Talmud Songs |02

This project is dedicated to my beloved friend and chavruta, Jaime Leah Wynn z'l, and our most favorite Talmud teacher, Devora Steinmetz. The project is inspired by my 3 years of study at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education with the Arts Fellowship program, where I got to learn Talmudic aggadot that impacted my art more than any learning ever has before. These songs tell stories/parables you will only read in the Talmud.


Choni HaMaagel: Taanit, 20a

Nachum Ish Gamzu: Taanit, 19a

Rabbi Jose: Brachot, 3a



Shmuely's Angels |03


An exchange space for women working from within and outside the system, daring to drop words of Torah that shatter the confines of traditional interpretation. Distinctly creative, multi-disciplinary and unapologetic: we're your neighbors, we're your friends, we're you're rabbis -- we're Shmuely's Angels. 


For some inspring words of Torah by women who know things. 


and please, don't ask who Shmuely'd be missing the point!

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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